wellness, tips & tricks Natalie Jandl wellness, tips & tricks Natalie Jandl

Beans, The Musical Fruit

Beans are an everyday part of my life. There is either a pot of beans boiling on the stove or a bowl of beans soaking. They are a staple in my pantry and enjoy trying varieties and recipes every week. It's fun to mix it up and rotate my beans as well as make a big batch at a time.

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lifestyle, wellness Jessi Simpson lifestyle, wellness Jessi Simpson

The Rhythm of Life

The Rhythm of Life = Balance

How do we make the connection of life through natural rhythm?

Natural rhythms guide all that we do. We all know this. It is deep in our DNA and ancestral beliefs and it has also been proven in recent years with the discovery of our peripheral clocks as well as our master clock the Suprachiasmatic nucleus or SCN found in our brain. Such a cool word, right?

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